Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Ballad of Luke Warm

Social Religion.

Man, even that phrase is heavy. Sadly, the problems, perceptions, and misconceptions that it has caused, especially in western culture and especially today, are numerous, run deep, and are as heavy today as when the term heavy would have been used by a sane person to describe them.

Although, the very fact that this issue exists is one of the reasons that the newly saved youth of the early 70's did what they did, lived as they did, and loved as they did.

But that's a topic for another post. I will keep moving.

All of that was to say, the issue of religion being nothing more than a social thing is not isolated to just our time. Nor to just the 70's or the 50's or the 1800's or any other time period you could name for me. It's an age old problem that we're still dealing with today and that I have feeling we're going to be dealing with until Christ comes again.

So, as a reminder of the complacency that we must resist on a daily basis and a sad commentary on what much of "christianity" has become, may I present Country Faith performing "The Ballad of Luke Warm".

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